Construction BMP Tip: Storm Drain Inlet Protection

Are storm drain inlets protected on your construction site?

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Construction BMP Tip: Staging Areas

During construction, the potential for pollutants from construction-related activities to be carried off site in stormwater can be reduced if appropriate BMPs are implemented. Planning and proper installation of BMPs is required prior to the start of construction activity and on-going BMP implementation during construction activity is needed to minimize the pollutants from leaving a construction…

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Construction BMPs Project Highlight: Slope Improvements Phase 8

The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division, Oahu District (DOT-HWYS) has numerous roadway construction projects that vary in size and complexity. All construction projects, regardless of size or area of land disturbance, must implement best management practices (BMPs) to control sediment and prevent erosion.

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BMP Tip: Installations

During construction, the potential for pollutants from construction-related activities to be carried off site in stormwater can be reduced if appropriate BMPs are implemented. Planning and proper installation of BMPs is required prior to the start of construction activity and on-going BMP implementation during construction activity is needed to minimize the pollutants from leaving a construction…

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BMP Tip: Run-on Diversions

How can you best manage storm water run-on at your construction site? Run-on is storm water runoff from another property that is entering a site. Run-on diversions are devices to intercept, divert, and convey off-site surface runoff around or away from the project site to prevent site erosion.

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BMP Tip: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans

What is a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)? A SWPPP is a site-specific, written document that among other things. Here are some things to consider and address when developing a SWPPP.

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Construction BMP Tip: Types of Erosion

While natural erosion occurs at slow rates, erosion can be accelerated as a result of ground disturbing activities on construction sites causing sedimentation. It is important to understand the types of erosion that may occur and practices that can be implemented on construction sites to minimize erosion.

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Construction BMP Tip: Material Storage

During construction, storing various types of material is needed and proper handling is required to prevent and reduce storm water pollution. Establishing practices and procedures for handling and storing construction materials through the life of a project can minimize the potential for pollutants coming into contact with storm water.

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Construction BMP Tip: Mulching

During construction, ground disturbing activities often result in areas of exposed soils susceptible to erosion. If a prolonged period of time is expected where construction activity will cease or construction activities are complete, stabilizing disturbed areas is needed. Mulching is a best management practice (BMP) that can provide either temporary or permanent stabilization to prevent erosion…

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Construction BMPs for Protecting Stockpiles

Is your stockpile protected? Stockpiling material on construction sites is almost always needed at some point during the life of a project, so proper planning is needed to ensure that adequate best management practices (BMPs) are in place to prevent stockpiled material from polluting storm water.

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