Are BMPs properly installed at your construction project’s staging area?

Staging areas are approved locations on construction sites where construction equipment, vehicles, materials, and other construction-related materials are stored. Flat areas located away from concentrated runoff, drainage systems, and open waterbodies are ideal locations for construction staging areas. Ensure ample space is available for equipment and materials to be stored through the duration of the project.

Consider implementing the following practices and procedures for your staging area:

• Protect all storm drain inlets that may intercept sediment-laden runoff from the staging area.
• Place perimeter controls along the perimeter of the staging area.
• Store idle vehicles and equipment on a layer of geotextile fabric on top of plastic.
• Cover stockpiles with plastic and surround them with perimeter controls.
• Locate and secure sanitary facilities away from drainage systems and open waterbodies.
• Cover waste bins by the end of the workday, or when not in use.
• Line concrete wash areas with plastic.
• Cover hazardous materials and store them in secondary containment.
• Rack metal (galvanized and ungalvanized) and rebar off the ground and cover with plastic.
• Keep an ample supply of spill cleanup materials readily available.

As the contractor, you may want to consider phasing construction staging areas to minimize the duration of exposed soil. When a phase of the project is complete and the staging area is no longer required, the contractor must immediately initiate stabilization measures at the disturbed areas. Once the area is deemed stabilized by the Engineer, the BMP devices can be removed.

It is important to remember that staging areas are dynamic and will require frequent maintenance to ensure BMPs are being used effectively to reduce the risk of an illicit discharge. Staging areas can be a significant point source for pollution, so installation of multiple BMPs are necessary to ensure no contaminated storm water exits the site.


To learn more about Construction BMP’s, visit our Contractors and Consultants page!