Regrow Produce with Kitchen Scraps

Did you know you can use produce scraps to create a garden of your own?…

Rain Harvesting

Did you know that just one inch of rain over one acre of land is approximately…

Imagine A Day Without Water

What would you do if there was no water? You wouldn’t be able to take a bath,…

5 Organic Fertilizers to Make at Home

Most fertilizers can be categorized into two types: organic and chemical.…

World Rivers Day

World Rivers Day is a celebration of the world’s waterways, highlighting their…

DOT-HWYS Oahu’s Q3 2021 Adopt-A-Highway Champions

Congratulations to Mauka Kaua HI, HDOT Highways, Oahu District’s Third Quarter…

Prepare for Hurricane Season

  Hurricane season has arrived and it’s important that every household be…

DOT-HWYS Oahu’s Q2 2021 Adopt-A-Highway Champions

Congratulations to the 25th ID & USARHAW JAG Office, HDOT Highways, Oahu…

Replace Your Lawn with Drought-Tolerant Plants

Across the country, lawns consume almost 3 trillion gallons of water each year,…

World Oceans Day

Each year, we celebrate World Oceans Day on June 8 and this year, the World…